Issued: 07/22/2014
September Russell 2000 index:
1. Yesterday’s (Mon. July 21) report and live meeting indicated that the September Russell index (then trading at approximately $1139) would advance and test $1154/$55.
2. Today’s September Russell index advanced higher and completed the $1154/$55 upside target (today’s session high, $1156.30, so far).
3. The above completion further confirms the Russell 2000 index inclusion in the growing list of markets offered in Williams edge. Will update.
David Williams
Issued: 07/18/2014
Russell 2000 index:
1. Williams edge is new to the Russell 2000 index and the following indication should be considered a preliminary set up/indication for the index.
2. Yesterday’s (Thursday, July 17) test and reversal off $1124 on the downside (session low, $1123.80) indicates a likely quick advance and test of $1154/$55 into Monday July 21 (+/-1 day). Will update as the market continues to confirm.
David Williams