Issued: 07/03/2015
August crude oil:
1. In Wednesdays (July 1) Williams edge live meeting it was noted that August crude oil (then trading at approximately $57.60) was expected to decline substantially further and test $56.25 or lower. This prompted our aggressive short entry at/near $57.60 noted in the meeting.
2. Today’s (Friday, July 3) Globex session (which will represent Monday, July 6 market movement) declined further and completed the forecast $56.25 (and lower) downside target (today’s session low, $55.41, so far.
3. Those who shorted the market based upon the above should have exited partial positions at/near $56.25, and should take a secondary exit at current prices (current price, $55.52). Any remaining position should be held for the possibility of lower prices to be noted in Monday, July 6 session. Will update.
David Williams
Issued: 07/06/2015
August crude oil:
1. In Wednesdays (July 1) Williams edge live meeting it was noted that August crude oil (then trading at approximately $57.60) was expected to decline substantially further and test $56.25 or lower. This prompted our aggressive short entry at/near $57.60 noted in the meeting.
2. Friday’s, July 3 Globex session completed the forecast $56.25 (and lower) downside target (Friday’s session low, $55.41). Further short position exit was instructed to be taken at/near $55.52.
3. Any final short position should be exited at current prices (current price $54.50. This completes the trade. Will message any further entry or indication in August crude oil.
David Williams