September S&P:
1. In Monday’s (June 16) and today’s (Wed. June 18) Williams edge live meeting it was noted that any breakout above $136.00 in the September S&P would run first to $1941/$42, then break out to nominal new all-time highs (above $1947.25).
2. Today’s September S&P quickly advanced above $1936 and completed the $1941/$42 upside target. The market then broke out to all-time new highs, completing the forecast (today’s session high, $1950.25, so far).
3. Self-directed traders exited a portion of their long position at $1941/$42 and took final exits slightly above the $1947.25 recent all-time high. This completes the trade. Will message any further entry are indication as the market confirms.
David Williams