Issued: 04/10/2015
May crude oil:
1. In today’s (Fri., April 10) Williams edge live meeting it was noted that May crude (then trading at approx. $51.35) could be bought for a continued advance to at/near $53.00 expected into Tues., April 14 (+/-1 day).
2. Traders who took advantage of the long entry indication should exit a portion of their long position at current prices (current price $51.76).
3. May crude oil remains in a ‘Buy’ position for further advance into Tues., April 14 (+/-1 day) at $53.00.
4. A protective sell stop should be placed at $50.40. This stop will be moved up as the market continues to confirm.
David Williams
Issued: 04/13/2015
1. In our Fri., April 10 Williams edge live meeting it was noted that May crude (then trading at approx. $51.35) could be bought for a continued advance to at/near $53.00 expected into Tues., April 14 (+/-1 day).
2. Traders who took advantage of the long entry were instructed to exit a portion of their long position at current prices (then current price, $51.76) noted in Friday’s (April 10) subsequent report. In that report it was noted that May crude oil remained in a ‘Buy’ position for those not yet long for further advance into Tues., April 14 (+/-1 day) at $53.00.
3. Today, (Mon., April 13) May crude oil advanced and completed the forecast $53.00 upside target (today’s session high, $53.10, so far). This completes the trade. Will message any further entry or indication in May crude oil.
David Williams