Issued: 03/05/2015
June euro:
1. In yesterday’s (Wed., March 4) Williams edge live meeting it was noted that June euro indicated the likelihood for a continued decline from the then current price of $110.85 down to $110.20. However, this information was not intended as an actual trade.
2. Today’s (Thurs., March 5) the June euro declined sharply and completed the $110.20 downside target (today’s session low, $110.19, so far). The completion of this decline is important and confirms the possibility of upcoming trades. Will message any further entry or indication in the June euro.
David Williams
Issued: 03/03/2015
June euro:
1. Continued daily closes above $111.60 in the June euro will indicate new long entry for a multi-day advance and test/attempt at $112.60 (or higher) into late this week/early next.
2. While the above is the main indication, further trading information will be published as the June euro continues to confirm in tomorrow’s (Wed., March 4) session. Will update.
David Williams